These are more photos from the Saturday Night Cruise-in. Thanks goes to Randy Rigby
for helping keep up with taking photos of the many vehicles that attend each Saturday night.
Hardee's Saturday Night Cruise-in June 26, 2004
It was another special cruise-in night and lots of special vehicles cruised the scene at Hardee's.
This cruise-in just keeps growing & growing. Many had been to Shows in the area even with the threat of showers. But they weren't going to miss coming to Hardee's. There several Rodders we met from out of state
who were on vacation and staying in motels nearby. They expressed how happy they were to find the cruise-in and enjoyed being able to join in the fun.
Hey, If you haven't been to the cruise-in yet, You need to cruise on down and join us. We think you will agree these are some of the most beautiful rides anywhere..
Just click on the photo for better viewing.